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True women and real man

This study conducted within the confines of custom essay writing discusses and provides a measure for the degree of stereotyping in advertisements. Applying this measure, the study shows to what degree gender stereotypes in advertising differ between public and private TV channels in the USA. The results show that gender stereotyping in advertising still prevails despite the change in the roles of men and women over the years. Contrary to their public mission, public TV channels do not show fewer gender stereotypes in advertisements compared to private TV channels. Within the essay order was exposed that the degree of stereotyping as related to different stereotyping components differs significantly between these two types of channel. Gender stereotypes on private channels refer to role behaviour and physical characteristics and, thus, function as a means to sell a product. On the other hand, advertisements on public channels stereotype gender in terms of occupational status, and therefore interfere with the major goal of gender equality policy. Our service considered to be one of the best professional essay writing services over the Internet.   They say that men and women were created as equals. Though this may hold truth in some cases, in the world of advertising, men and women are seen differently. While advertisements tend to be harmless to readers, it is worthy to note other people’s views regarding issues that go beyond the advertisements. Issues such as exploitation and discrimination among both sexes can be raised due to the fact that the images portrayed by some advertisements tend to contain obscenity and convey negative messages. It is critical to note the different views of people regarding “Sex in Advertising”. Some people may tend to look at these ads as pornographic. Pornography usually connotes “power over another, either by physical dominance or preferred status of men or the exploitative power of female beauty or female sexuality” (Kilbourne, p.270). Hence, the psychological effects of advertisement on consumers are very evident especially in a world culture that somehow has accepted diversity within its society. In the advertising industry, masculinity depicts the violent nature of becoming or being a “man.” Society has dictated and has allowed non working class men to validate themselves as “masculine” by exploiting the physical body to assert their “manhood.” With the creation of the “Marlboro Man” as a stereotypical symbol of a real man, the image depicted by this character has unconsciously stuck with the ideology of consumers, especially men. This image of men as strong and somewhat violent individuals was strengthened by the rise of action movies in the 1980’s. With actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Bruce Willis, the white working class individual became the norm for being the real man’s man. Thus, Caucasian men looked up to Rocky Balboa and John McLain as action heroes whom they can identify with. The only problem is that the images portrayed by these action heroes were violent for some people, making violence a social issue among white working class men. Many men were caught up with this ideology that some started to imitate their heroes, turning them into somewhat aggressive individuals. Advertisers also incorporated sports as well as the military to enhance the images of their products. The target markets for these types of ads were basically teenagers and young adults who crave for adventure and an outlet for their raging hormones. These young adults and teenagers at this crucial period in their lives are looking for their own identities. With high-profile athletes as endorsers and the inspirational persuasion of military-based ads, advertisements give these adolescents the choices which they can identify with. The only downside of this advertising approach is that it most certainly will lead into gender discrimination towards the opposite sex The female gender is more prone to exploitation and discrimination in advertisements. In the present society, females are now viewed as strong, independent individuals who can work as well as their male counterparts. However, in the world of advertisement, females take on the role of the passive and submissive individuals who stand weak against the violent nature of men. Females are also perceived mainly as a sex symbol. The theme which producers use to sell their products is suggestive of sex or the depiction of sex. According to Jean Kilbourne, a renowned speaker about women’s image in advertisement, “sex in advertising is pornographic because it dehumanizes and objectifies people, especially, women, and because it fetishes products, imbues them with erotic charge—which dooms us to disappointment since products never can fulfill our sexual desires or our emotional needs” (Kilbourne, p. 271). Advertisers use pretty and sexy women to flaunt their good looks in their ads to make their products sell. With their good looks and provocative poses, women models incorporate their sexuality in the products that they promote which attract both male and female consumers. The objectification of women in advertisement is more troubling because they are more prone to abuse and violence within these ads. Society sometimes depicts women as submissive and weak. These traits compared to the more powerful and able male would seem to connote that men are seen as more superior than women. It would seem that in advertising, products promote the submissiveness of the female gender. “Men conquer and women ensnare, always with the essential aid of products”(Kilbourne, p. 271). I do agree that women are seen as objects in advertisements. Though this might be the case, women should still be treated as equals and with respect. As frequent browsers of magazines, we should appreciate the beauty that is projected by female models in these ads. These women do not intend to convey sexual messages but it is society and its patriarchal past that has labeled women as objects.          


Category: Essay Examples